Johanna Ortiz x H&M dress

Johanna Ortiz x H&M dress

10 kudos

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A beautiful tropical print dress. Layered skirt with tight fitted waist. There are buttons and a zip on the back.

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This item can be shipped via DHL’s climate neutral shipping from €3.95. Register the parcel by putting in your details and that of the sender. Then pay the postage and send the QR code to the sender. No postage label required!

Pre-loved by

Maiko B

Hello, I'm Maiko B.

I joined Swap Studio in March 2021. Since then I’ve been really enjoying taking pre-loved items from other people and getting know with sustainable brands. I live in…

I joined Swap Studio in March 2021. Since then I’ve been really enjoying taking pre-loved items from other people and getting know with sustainable brands. I live in…